Disabled Veterans Motorcycle Club

Former President, Chopper’s interview with

The Lars Larson Show

Mission Statement

We are not here to claim territory, recruit from or disrespect any other clubs, and do not interfere with another clubs business.  We ask for that same respect in return. 

Most of our members NEED a brotherhood to deal with their disability and military experience for our country. We believe our mission is instrumental to the livelihood of our brothers that at times may need the support of another Veteran.  The support group extends into the family as we ride with family members. 

We will support through fundraising and motorcycle events, Veterans, Veteran Organizations and other military clubs as time and availability allows with our membership.

Helping Veterans. Click the image for the whole story.

Helping Veterans. Click the image for the whole story.


"These are the true heroes of our country and should be shown the Daily Respect and Honor. Because of these Great People we still have our Freedom "

— Kelly Pittman